The Rise Into Wellness Plan
A comprehensive package covering mindset, stress management, sleep issues, liver detoxification, adrenal restoration, digestive healing and hormone balancing.
My program will take you through everything you need to know about consistently living a healthy lifestyle, improving digestion, increasing your energy and balancing your hormones.
This program includes functional lab analysis, 1:1 video consults with me, regular progress check-ins, unlimited voice/text support, individualized health protocols, and health tools that you can utilize for the rest of your life.
A few examples of what you will learn inside The Rise Into Wellness Plan…
Learn how to shift your beliefs around health and create a self-care routine so that you completely show up for yourself in your health journey.
Let go of external stressors, learn stress management techniques, improve your sleep, and get active.
lmprove digestion and nutrient absorption, and identify inflammatory foods so you can start healing your gut! You’ll get clear about what foods are best for you.
Enhance detoxification pathways, reduce your environmental exposures, and identify nutrient deficiencies.
Here’s how it works when you join me in the Rise Into Wellness Plan:
We get on a Meet and Greet call and chat to see if we’re a good fit. If we are, I’ll invite you to work with me in my program!
You’ll start on a 6 month health journey with full support from me the entire way
I’ll send you all the materials you need including functional testing kits, an informational lifestyle guide and give you access to my client portal where you’ll have unlimited access to me for messaging, texts, and video calls
We’ll have an initial consultation to go over your health goals and design a plan tailored to you!
We’ll have regular bi-weekly consultations where I’ll guide you through this transformation timeline with individualized protocols:
Mindset Shift + Prioritizing Your Health
Adrenal Balancing + Stress Management
Digestive Healing + Removing Food Sensitivities
Detoxification + Liver Support
Hormone Balancing - Reproductive + Thyroid
Using functional labs and your symptoms, we are taking the guesswork out of what's going on. We'll get to the root cause of what's making you feel exhausted and overwhelmed, crave sugar, and have difficulty losing weight.
There’s no better time than now to work on you and your health. Use this time as an opportunity to transform into the woman you want to be!