One method for letting go of old beliefs is through a technique called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. I love this technique because it’s simple, quick and can help you shift your emotions and beliefs quickly.
The basis of this technique is that we acknowledge the negative belief or feeling and tap on different points on the body as we release the feeling or belief. The areas that are tapped are areas that we typically touch unconsciously when we’re feeling insecure, scared or uncomfortable. It’s a way for us to comfort ourselves and tell ourselves that it’s okay to feel this way and we still deserve love and acceptance.
I really like this technique because it doesn’t push our feelings away, rather it acknowledges them, and reminds us that we are human beings who sometimes have negative feelings but we deserve love and acceptance anyway.
Here's how you do EFT:
Come up with a phrase to tap on. Phrase it as “Even though I feel/think/believe _____, I love and accept myself.” Keep it short because you’re going to say it a few times. Try to get to the underlying reason of why you’re feeling negatively.
Examples of phrases might be:
Even though I’m feeling anxious about my upcoming interview, I love and accept myself.
Even though I feel nervous about meeting these new people, I love and accept myself.
Even though I feel insecure about my ability to complete this project, I love and accept myself.
While tapping on the side of your hand at the “karate chop point”, say your phrase three times. This primes yourself to begin the rest of the tapping.
Continue to say “I love and accept myself” as you tap on the remaining points. Start at the top of your head and work your way down the points (see diagram below). Tap a few times while you say “I love and accept myself” and then move to the next point and say “I love and accept myself” until you get through all the points.
When you’re done, notice if you feel any better. If you still feel negatively, do another round with the same phrase or come up with a different phrase to tap on. I’ve found that an initial round of tapping might uncover a deeper underlying reason for how I feel and so I’ll come up with a new phrase and tap on that.
Here are the points that you tap on while you say the phrase:
The order of tapping begins on the side of the hand or the karate chop point as you say the phrase. Then it follows like this:
Top of head - center of the head, use a flat palm
Inner eyebrow - about where the eyebrow ends at the corner of the eye, use your index and middle finger
Side of eye - about where the eyebrow ends at the outer corner of the eye, use your index and middle finger
Under eye - under the pupil, at midpoint of the eye, use your index and middle finger
Under nose - in the groove underneath the nostrils, use your index and middle finger
Chin - in the depression under the lower lip, use your index and middle finger
Inner collarbone - use a flat palm on the indentation between the collarbones
Under arm - about where a bra-strap would be on your side, use a flat palm
If you'd like to learn more about letting go of limiting beliefs check out this article from the INLP Center. Trapped by your Mind? Learn This Five Step Process for Releasing Limiting Beliefs.
Here’s a great video where the technique is explained and demonstrated well:
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In health,
Dr. Jamie

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